List View
The List View offers several different views of the SmartCAM Process Model data. In all but the Context View, the process model data is organized into a tree view; where related items are grouped together - allowing you to see the data only at the level of detail that you need. The List View Context list is a flat listing of elements; replacing the original SmartCAM List View.
The List View can be used as a floating, resizable window. Or, it can be docked to the left or right edges of the SmartCAM application window.
The List View can be used to group elements. When the Group Arrow is active, clicking on items in the list view will add those items to the active group. Clicking on a high-level item, will add all the child elements associated with the item to the group. So, for example, if you clicked on a top-level Step node; all elements associated with that Step would be added to the group. If you click on the top-level CAD/CAM Entities entry, the entire process model would be added to the active group.
Clicking on the [+] and [-] icons will expand or contract the tree view, without selecting anything.
The List View offers several different data organizations. These are selectable by using the List selector on the list view window.
Geometry is organized by Step (CAM geometry) and Layer (CAD geometry). The model data is presented in database order.
In this view, CAM (Step) geometry is first grouped by assigned tool and then by assigned step. CAD layer geometry is grouped by Layer.
Layer/Step - Workplane
Process Model geometry is first organized by related Step or Layer. Then subcategorized by the workplane assigned to the data.
Workplane - Layer/Step
First the geometry is grouped by assigned Workplane and then subgrouped by Step or Layer.
This is a flattened view and is meant to be a direct replacement for the older List View. Like the original SmartCAM List View, the Context list view will change between Elements, Steps, Tools, Subroutines, Names, and so forth - as required by the active control panel input field.
Opening the List View
The List View window can be opened and closed, docked and made a floating window by using the Utility - List View pull-right menu. This menu also allows you to set the width of the List View window, while the window is docked. When it is a floating window, you can resize it on the fly.
You can also float, dock, resize, and hide the window by right-clicking on the window background. Do so outside of the tree-view; the tree-view contains its own pop-up menu.
You can open and close the window by right-clicking on the main menu, to open the menu's pop-up menu, and then clicking on the List View menu entry. You can also use the list view's right-mouse button menu and select the Hide option.
List View Group Numbering
With the tree-based Lists, you can peer inside of containers - seeing the elements that make up the container. An issue arises when you consider that the structured views show the element number.
In SmartCAM the element number is associated with the container and the elements within the container do not have element numbers. To resolve this, the Tree View uses a "dot" number when expanding containers. So, if the container is element #3 and you expand it, you will see elements marked "3.1", "3.2" and so forth. The ".1" is a number showing you the element index within the container. This number currently is only being used by the List View and in a similar fashion in the Element Data window when drilling down into containers. It currently exists only to aid in navigation and reference.
List View Markers
All List View list types display the List View markers. So, for example, it will use a ^ character to show hidden elements or a o character to mark a masked element.
For more information on these symbols and other features of the list view, see the topic: List View Contents.
Right-Click Menus
You can right-click, on elements in all the list views, and an appropriate pop-up menu will be displayed. This menu presents common features/functions that make sense for the type of element that you have selected.
For more information on the pop-up menus, please see the related "Right-Click Menus" topic in the List View overview page: Context List View overview.
Drag and Drop
You can use Drag and Drop, in the organized tree-view lists, to resequence geometry and position the insert position location. For more information on using Drag and Drop see the topic: List View Contents.