Contact SmartCAM Technical Support
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Support Requests

All requests for SmartCAMcnc Technical Support should be entered using this online submission page. You might find it helpful to bookmark this page.

Before submitting your support request, you might find it quicker to first check the informational sources already available to you. Click on the items in the following list to get more information on each.

  • Context Help
  • Use SHIFT+F1 and click on panel, dialog, toolbox item, workbench, or menu to display help information on the item selected.

  • General Online Help
  • Use F1 to open help, then use the Table of Contents, Search, or Index features to quickly locate the needed information. Quick and easy access to all help topics in the application's online help information.

  • Technical Bulletins
  • Open Technical Bulletins from the SmartCAMcnc website; click on Tech Support on banner menu, then Technical Bulletins link. Can then review the links on the page, the link to the Technical Bulletin Archive, or search on keywords.

  • Learning SmartCAM website
  • Open the Learning SmartCAM website from Help - Online Manuals. Then use the Table of Contents, Search, or Index features to locate the needed information.

  • Customization Guide
  • Open the Customization Guide using Help - Online Manuals. The guide includes information about INI settings, report format files, program options, tool and material lists, and working with Macros.

  • Installation Guide
  • The Installation Guide includes information on product installations and licensing.

  • SmartCAM User Forum
  • Join the SmartCAM User Forum by using the "Join the SmartCAMcnc Email Forum" shortcut in the SmartCAM section of your Windows Start Menu. The email forum allows other users to help with issues, questions, and for you to help other users.

Fill out all the required fields when making your support request. If a required field is not properly completed, the support request will not be processed.

After filling out the submission form, click on the "Send Request" button to submit the support request. If there are any errors on the page, it will be redisplayed to allow you to fix any problems.

If the form is properly filled in and submitted, you will be sent an acknowledgement email at the address you entered on the form. The subject line of the acknowledgement will include the tracking ID for this support call.

File Attachments

You can attach a single file to your support request. Use the Choose File button to browse to and pick the file to upload. If you have multiple files to provide, archive them into a ZIP file before uploading.

If you forget to attach the file or have additional files to provide, after submitting the support request, you can still provide them. After submitting the support request, you will receive an acknowledgement email. Simply reply to this email and attach your files to it.

Request for Technical Support

Please use this form when making requests for Technical Support, completing the fields as much as possible. Required fields must be completed for the form to process; they are highlighted with a light-blue field background.

Many on-line and electronic resources are available to answer most technical questions. Please review the information in the side-bar, along the left column of this page, before requesting technical support.

Click here for Camera Support (or Phone 1-844-947-3638)

Customer ID:
Supported needed with:
In an effort to make our online and electronic support resources more helpful for all our customers, please select where you already sought a solution, for this issue, before making your support request.
Installation Guide
Product Help
Learning SmartCAM
User Manual
Customization Guide
Website Tech Bulletins
Website Video Tutorials
SmartCAM Forum
Describe your support question in detail.
Please indicate what was lacking in the electronic help options?
[ Information will be used to make other assistance sources more useful ]
File Attachment
[ You can attach a single file to this support call submission. If you have multiple files to provide, archive them in a ZIP format file. You also have the ability to submit files, along with your support call, by replying to the email reply generated from this submission, and attaching the files to the reply.
Uploading files may take several minutes, depending upon the size of the attachment, and the current upload speed of your internet connection. Do not change to a different web page until you see the acknowledgement of this transaction. ]