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JOS Report Format Files With Tool Graphics

This is an updated version of the standard SmartCAM HTML JOS Report, for Milling, Turning, and Fabrication. When using these report format files, the Tool Report section of the final report will include a tool graphics insert for each tool. If the tool is associated with a Custom Tool Graphic file, the CTG will be displayed; otherwise, just the parametric tool description is shown. This works exactly like the tool graphic preview in Add/Edit Step and for some of the KBM Tool Library pages.

Download Format Files Preview
Format Files PDF

These updated format files only work with SmartCAM v2018 and above.

Important Information

Use the following instructions to install and use these updated report files. If the provided instructions are not followed, the report format files may not work or the report may not display correctly.


  1. Download the installation zip file ( using the link above.
  2. Save the ZIP to your current JOS Report format file folder. By default this is:


  3. Extract the ZIP file in this folder. The following paths show the final folders.


    Note: If you use the Windows Extract All option, to extract the ZIP file, it will automatically append the name of the zip file to the destination path. Edit the destination path to remove this extraneous folder. When you extract the ZIP file, you want the contents to be extracted directly into your current folder, so that the final paths match those shown above. If you forget to change the path, simply drag and drop the TLGraphics folder back down into the normal report folder.

The format files must be installed in this fashion, as they reference the previously installed default HTML JOS Report format files and cannot run without them.

Using Format Files

  1. From the JOS Reports window, select the Format File: input field and then the File Select... button. Browse to the TLGraphics folder and select the appropriate format file to use.
  2. Since this is an HTML format, SmartCAM cannot directly print it. Select the File option from the File-Printer selector.
  3. Select the File: input field and then the File Select... button. Browse to the TLGraphics\Output folder. Enter a report name or use the default.

    You must use the Output folder installed with TLGraphics, as there are files in this folder that are used by the report to control display and printing.

  4. Enable the Open JOS Report button and generate the report.


SmartCAM Font Collection

A collection of several font files that were created by SmartCAMcnc or a predecessor, some by SmartCAM resellers and some by SmartCAM customers. Because of this, SmartCAMcnc can make no guarantees about how they work.

Click here for a picture of the fonts and their names.

The SmartCAM font files are available in a zipped file. This file can be found here:

SmartCAM Fonts

Save the file and unzip to your SmartCAM font directory. The SmartCAM font folder location varies between versions, currently the default path is: \ProgramData\SmartCAM\SmartCAMv##\SHARED\FONTS. Where ## is replaced by your current SmartCAM major version number.

Report Assistant

Several Job Report utilities can be found here including a Report Assistant and utilities that use VBA to create reports directly inside of Word.

These utilities are not connected to the current JOS Reports reporting functionality.

SmartCAM Report Creation Utilities

SmartCAM Launch Utility

Utility batch file that allows association of SmartCAM Process Model file extensions with the correct SmartCAM applications. After installing and configuring, can double-click on a Process Model and the correct installed SmartCAM application will launch and load the model file. Save the ZIP archive and extract, then follow instructions in the README.TXT file.

SmartCAM Launch Utility

SmartCAMcnc makes no guarantees of the function or accuracy of, nor provides support for these freeware utilities.