SmartCAM Technical Bulletin Index

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ShowPath in Advanced Fabrication.
For old versions of SmartCAM that does not have Show/Hide capability, here is a trick to make ShowPath more visual.

2620: Macro file 'sysmcl\rectangle.mcl' not found.
On earlier versions this macro was accidentally not shipped with the installation. Find it here.

2022: Could not find or load '..\shared\mover.pcb'
If you are recieving this error this technote explains how to remedy the issue.

Running v11.x and v12.x CAM Connection.
How to mix versions of CAM Connection and your applications.

SmartCAM hangs on XP.
If SmartCAM version 12 or less hangs occasionally either on Windows 2000 or Windows XP, this is the likely culprit and solution.

Clean Un-install of SmartCAM.
A description of all the files and where they are located during a version 11.x or less installation.

6614: SMM not responding error.
If you are getting this error when surface machining, this may be the reason why and a possible solution.

AutoCAD® R14.xx .dwg files fail to translate to .pm4 files using CAM Connection v11.1.
If you are having problems importing R14 DWG or DXF CAD models with older versions of CAM Connection, this technote offers a possible solution.

Crash or corrupt PM4 file when Merged or Imported.
Version 11.0 had issues with merging duplicate names. This technote offers a possible solution.

'File not found' error when using macro CODE command.
With version 11.0 there were minor changes to default files that caused this problem. This technote has the solution.

Printing a Show Cut or Render image.
Tips on printing graphics not only from SmartCAM, but from anywhere.

Cannot find Exploring Guides or example models.
If you cannot find your online Exploring Guides see this technote.

Macro String Functionality in SmartCAM
Tips and tricks with strings in the SmartCAM Macro System.

Troubleshooting Installation and Licensing in Windows.
Installation tips for versions 11.5 and older.

Uninstalling the Network License Manager
How to uninstall the old NLM for versions 11.5 and older.

'13088: Temporary file error.' When Translating DXF Files
Version 9 CAM Connection had issues with certain DXF files. This technote offers a work around.

Merging Files Causing 2515 Error
Version 10 and older versions of SmartCAM could exceed the workplane maximum. This technote offers a possible way to resolve the issue.