SmartCAM application crashing on Start-up or ExitTechnote 245 Problem: Solution: To resolve the issue, make sure the only licensing .LIC files in the licensing folder are the current files. And make sure there are not files with duplicate contents. Find your Licensing Folder The licensing files are maintained in your SmartCAM SCUSER folder. On Windows Vista and above, this location is:
On XP, the path varies; depending upon how your system was configured. See Technical Bulletin 244: How Do I Find My INI Files. Clean Your Licensing Folder Change to your SmartCAM/SCUSER folder. If you find more than one file using
Run your SmartCAM NC application and make sure it works. If the file you copied back into the SCUSER folder was the current license file, you do not need to run License Manager and install the licensing again. |
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