Could not find or load '..\shared\mover.pcb'
Technote 213
Date: 09/05
Product: All
Version: v12.x
At start up of SmartCAM applications the diagnostics window opens with a 2022: Could not find or
load '..\shared\mover.pcb' error.
Make sure INI files have correct path to customization.
- Quit any SmartCAM applications that are running.
- Check that mover.pcb exists. With a default installation it will be here:
C:\Program Files\SmartCAM\SmartCAMv12\SYSTEM\shared
If it does not then something happened during your installation and an uninstall -
reinstall will be necessary.
- Check your applications INI file. This is located in your SmartCAM
drive/directory. Opening a Command Prompt usually opens to your [HOME]
drive and directory.
Application INI files are name as follows:
ffm.ini (FreeForm Machining)
amill.ini (Advanced Milling)
pmill.ini (Production Milling)
aturn.ini (Advanced Turning)
pturn.ini (Production Turning)
afab.ini (Advanced Fabrication)
awedm.ini (Advanced Wire EDM)
- With Explorer navigate to this drive/directory, then to directory SmartCAM. Open your applications INI
file with Notepad. Check this section (towards the bottom):
MenuName1=Dynamic Nest
- Change the MenuPcb1 line to read (assuming a default installation):
MenuPcb1=C:\Program Files\SmartCAM\SmartCAMv12\shared\mover.pcb
- Save the file and start your application.