Troubleshooting Installation and Licensing in WindowsTechnote 155 Problem: NOTE: The information presented here is supplemental to the instructions provided for you in your "Installation Guide for all SmartCAM Products" and your application's Release Notes. Please refer to those instructions BEFORE using this technote. July 2004: References to Win95 also apply to Win2K and XP. See Technote 200 for XP installs Solution: 1.0 Troubleshooting the Installation
3.0 Win32s: Installing and Uninstalling 1.0 Troubleshooting the Installation:1.1 Basic guide for doing a clean install.Version 9.x and higher, All platforms. A. For Windows 3.1x install latest Win32s. NOTE: Do not install Win32s on 95 or NT. (Steps B,C, and D apply if a previous install of SmartCAM has been performed) B. Delete the C. Delete the file D. Delete the files C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ELM*.DLL. E. Install Adobe Acrobat Reader. F. Install the version 9 SmartCAM application using the following locations:
G. For FreeForm, ensure the
H. Before entering License Key, verify System Server Code, Product, and Version of your SmartCAM application with those on the License Fax Form. I. NOTE: To also run pre-version 9 SmartCAM, copy the license key files from C:\SM8\KEYDIR TO C:\SM9\KEYDIR
(Substitute your desired Drive and Directories as needed). 1.2 Version 9.x files get installed into a SM8 directoryAll versions, All platforms Note: In V.9.2 and higher applications you can avoid the following by choosing "Custom Install" when installing the application. This happens during an upgrade. The installation sees the "SmartCAMPath=" keyword in the SMARTCAM.INI file (which points to C:\SM8\) and installs version 9 applications in that directory. If you prefer to have a separate directory for version 9 applications, you can re-install version 9 SmartCAM and specify C:\SM9\ as the SmartCAM Path when you are prompted. The installation also sees the "Keydirectory=" keyword in the WIN.INI and uses that directory as well. This is OK as long as you do not delete the Keydir directory under the SM8 tree. Pre-version 9 and version 9 applications can share this location (e.g: C:\SM8\KEYDIR\). NOTE: When you decide to remove pre-version 9 applications, you have two options regarding your license keys:
For example, you could specify 1.3 "Cannot Find Winsock.dll" errorVersion 9.0 and 9.1, Win 3.1 Only This problem occurs in Windows 3.1 because WINSOCK.DLL is not shipped with the Operating System unlike Windows 95 or NT. It is also not loaded on the hard drive when installing SmartCAM. Workaround: Copy and Rename another DLL Go to your C:\SMARTCAM\SYSTEM directory. If you followed the defaults while installing, your SmartCAM directory should be the SM9 directory. In the C:\SM9\SYSTEM directory, you will find a file named ELM.DLL. Highlight the ELM.DLL file and go to File - Copy. The "From" field should read ELM.DLL In the "To" field, type 1.4 Communicate custom machine settings seem to be missing.Version 9.X and Higher, All Platforms The pre-version 9 setting files are still available. The base path in the COMM.INI file has changed from: C:\SM8\ to: C:\SM9\SHARED\ You can either copy the original settings files (*.SC) to the new location, or modify the COMM.INI so the paths point to the old location. If you copy the original files, any with EIA code type have paths referencing their EIA tables. These paths need to be changed to reflect the new location as well (C:\SM9\SHARED\EIA). 1.5 "Fatal Error: 1: Could not open resource file"Version 9.X and Higher, All Platforms The "CFGPath=" keyword of the SMARTCAM.INI file is either missing or pointing to an invalid location. Version 9 applications now use this keyword to locate their .INI files. The defaults are C:\SM9CFG\HOME\ for Windows 3.1x/95 and C:\USERS\DEFAULT\HOME\ for Windows NT. This keyword is normally added during version 9 installation. 1.6 "11502: Job Operations Setup Failed to Initialize"Version 9.X and Higher, All Platforms This message is followed by the message: "12028: Diagnostic from PREPROC(): Failed to initialize. 12041: Fatal error in file C:\SM9\MILL\JOSDEF\MAUTOID.FMT." (for Milling applications). TAUTOID.FMT for Turning, FAUTOID.FMT for Fab, or WAUTOID.FMT for Wire. This is usually caused by a missing Windows Temp directory or lack of write permissions to it in Windows NT. You can set you Windows Temp directory in Control Panel-System-Environment. Make sure whatever directory specified there exists and users have write permissions to it. 1.7 Installation Notes for Windows NT UsersVersion 9.X and Higher, Windows NT The User Account Home Directory is used during SmartCAM installation on Windows NT. If you are logged in as Administrator when installing SmartCAM, you must take into consideration the permissions of the Administrator's Home Directory and its sub-directories. Default paths for new SmartCAM installations are:
Where USER_HOME_DIR is the Home Directory of the User Account performing the SmartCAM installation. For update SmartCAM installations:
Recommendations: Ensure that these locations have adequate permissions to allow those User Accounts that are running SmartCAM to access (read/write) files. This is required to access and update the application settings files and license key files. You can use the Custom Installation Type to specify alternate locations for the:
2.0 Troubleshooting Licensing:2.1 Error #'s and Their CausesVersion 9.X and up, All platforms #500 - Fatal license Manager error. An error occurred while attempting to make a connection between the application and the license server. #510 - The license demon is now reachable. Access to the license server has been fully restored. #511 - There is a network or system license error. A license could not be issued to the application, or a connection could not be made to the license server. #514 - This means no data file can be found in the keydir (i.e., 14a for A3D). #515 - This means the clock has been moved backwards (user will be down for length of time clock was set back). #516 - This means the data file is bad (i.e., 14a for A3D). 2.2 Steps to troubleshoot Licensing errors:Version 9.X and up, All platforms
3.0 Win32s Errors3.1 General Win32s troubleshootingVersions up to 9.2, Windows 3.1X Microsoft Win32s files allow 32 bit applications to run on a 16 bit platform (Windows 3.1x). Version 9.1 and earlier Windows SmartCAM applications came with Win32s V.1.25, which must be installed on Win 3.1x in order for SmartCAM to run properly. V.9.2 comes with 2 different versions of Win32s. Refer to your V.9.2 Release Notes for more information on choosing the correct version. V.10 and higher SmartCAM applications do not run on Windows 3.1 and do not need Win32s files Never try to install Win32s files on Windows 95 or Windows NT. 3.2 Installing Win32sVersions 9.2, Windows 3.1X This information is supplemental to that found in the Version 9.2 Release Notes. To run SmartCAM Visual CTK and CAM Connection on Windows 3.1X you must also run the Microsoft Win32s extension. This extension enables the faster 32-bit applications to run on the 16-bit Windows platform. Unfortunately, the current version of Microsoft Win32s has compatibility problems with some computers. When using Win32s 1.30, these computers cannot run any Win32s-based application; including the FreeCell test program that is installed with Win32s. Errors may occur when the application starts up, or disk access errors may occur while running an application. With the emphasis on Windows 95 and Windows NT, Microsoft will not be updating Win32s. If you have already installed SmartCAM and Win32s version 1.30, and applications run without "Unexpected DOS error: 21" errors, you do not need to be concerned about the problem. If you have not installed SmartCAM or any version of Win32s, install and test Win32s before installing SmartCAM. The SmartCAM Release CD contains both version 1.30 and version 1.25 of Win32s. The directories are:
To test version 1.30 on your computer, install it from the CD, then run the FreeCell test program. If FreeCell works, version 1.30 will probably work. If FreeCell does not work, follow the steps in "Use Win32s version 1.25" below. To remove Win32s version 1.30 and reinstall version 1.25. If you encounter a problem during testing, or after installing SmartCAM, you have the following options: Use Windows 95 or Windows NT Neither of these operating systems require Win32s; while both offer a more stable working environment, better memory management, and a measurable overall system speed increase. The minimum hardware requirements to run the SmartCAM applications are sufficient to run Windows 95. The FreeForm Machining minimum requirements are sufficient to run Windows NT. Use Win32s Version 1.25 If you do not use Visual CTK or the CAM Connection, run Win32s version 1.25. If you have installed Win32s version 1.30 and are experiencing problems follow the instructions below to remove Win32s and install version 1.25.
3.3 Uninstalling Win32sVersions up to 9.2, Windows 3.1X
4.0 Growstub Errors:Versions up to 9.2, Windows 3.1X The Growstub error will occur in SmartCAM MS-Windows products if the MS Mouse 9.0 or 9.01 driver is loaded in conjunction with pointer.exe (pointer.exe loads with the MS Mouse driver). Other possible problems related to this error include: The pointer might not snap to the default button in a dialog box. Attempts to access the Mouse Manager in the MS-Windows Control Panel cause the Mouse Manager to crash and the Control Panel to quit. Fix: In order to stop this error from occurring, you can get an updated version of the mouse driver from Microsoft, or remove the driver from the win.ini file. Steps to remove the driver from the win.ini file:
5.0 Uninstalling SmartCAMVersion 9.X and Higher, All Windows Platforms Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 users should uninstall SmartCAM applications by using the "Add/Remove Programs" utility found in your Windows Control Panel. Windows 3.1X and NT 3.51 users can use the "Uninstall" icons found in their SmartCAM program group (V.9.2 and higher). If you need to remove files manually, the following is a list of files installed during a "Typical Installation" on Windows 95. Some files may not exist depending on your application.
Remove: ElanLM section of the Win.ini file. C:\sm9\: Remove complete directory tree C:\sm9cfg\: Remove complete directory tree Remove the SmartCam program groups and icons from: C:\windows\startmenu\programs Note: If you have installed the Network License Manager please see Technote 146. |
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