SmartCAM Technical Bulletin

Uninstalling the Network License Manager

Technote 146
Product: All Applications
Date: 03/97
Version: Up to v11.5

Note: This Technical Bulletin does not apply to the SmartCAM Network License Manager package introduced with SmartCAM v17.x. This is for a different product that was available up through the release of SmartCAM v11.5.

How do I uninstall SmartCAM Network License Manager (NLM) and return to normal node-locked licensing?


Note: This information is intended for system administrators and IT Support, who wish to remove NLM from a server completely. If you are not familiar with your network configuration, file management tools, and working with Windows Registry information you should not proceed.

NLM does not come with its own uninstall utility. You must manually remove files from the server and client computers to return to normal node-locked licensing.

NOTE: Switching from NLM to node-locked licensing will require new license keys. They can be obtained here: under "License Keys."

Step 1: Log on to your License Manager Server as Administrator or equivalent.

Step 2: Shutdown the Elan Network License Manager service on your license server. This can be done with the SmartCAM ElanLM utility found in your Window's Control Panel. Hit the "Stop" button in this utility to shutdown the service.

Step 3: Remove the Cmtpath.ini file from your Windows directory.

Step 4: Remove the Cmt_elmd.cpl and Cmt_elmd.exe files from your Windows\system32 directory.

Step 5: Remove the lmv2.dll file from your sm9\system directory.

Step 6: Using your Windows Registry Editor (commonly Regedit.exe or Regedit32.exe) remove the following references from your Windows Registry:

The "SmartCAM_ElanLM" key found in:


Step 7: On your Clients, remove the Netelm.flg file from the \keydir directory usually found in the c:\SM9 directory.

Step 8: Remove the elmid32.dll and elmid16.dll files from your Windows\system directory.

Step 9: Restart your computer and reinstall one of your applications (Freeform, Production Turning, etc) to reinstall the node-locked Elan License Manager. You should choose "Typical" or "Custom Install." This will only take a short time as only a few files will need to be updated during the install.

Step 10: Relicense your products with the License Administrator utility with normal node-locked license keys.