SmartCAM v2023 Macro Language
Additions and enhancements to the SmartCAM Macro System.
Macro Variables Filter Pick List
A pick-list has been added to the Macro Vars filter; it displays the last five filters entered (in the current session). To open the list, click on the pick list icon attached to the end of the input field.

Macro Variables Filter Pick-List
Macro Commands
Multiple commands and functions have been added to enhance macro processing capability.
SUB_REMOVE[NN="*"] - extension to the SUB_REMOVE[] command removes all unused sub routines.
SUBCOUNT() - returns the number of subdefs in the process model.
SUB_IS_USED(idx) - returns 1 (YES) if a subdef is being used in a proccess model, 0 (NO) if it is not.
TYPS() - returns the surface type.
RAD() - returns the primary radius for cones, cylinders, toruses, and spheres.
RAD2() - returns the secondary radius for cones, cylinders, and toruses.
ANG() - returns the angle of a cone surface relative to the cone axis.
AREA() - returns the area of all surface types.
CBX()/CBY()/CBZ() - returns the x, y, and z bottom center ordinates for cones, cylinders, toruses and spheres.
CEX()/CEY()/CEZ() - returns the x, y, and z top center ordinates for cones, cylinders, toruses and spheres.
STX()/STY()/STZ() - returns the x, y, and z minimum extent ordinates for all surfaces.
ENX()/ENY()/ENZ() - returns the x, y, and z maximum extent ordinates for all surfaces.
HIDE_ALL_LAYERS[] - hides all unhidden layers.
SHOW_ALL_LAYERS[] - shows all hidden layers.
HIDE_ALL_STEPS[] - hides all unhidden steps.
SHOW_ALL_STEPS[] - shows all hidden steps.