SmartCAM v2022 Markup Notes
SmartCAM v2022 Markup Notes

New for v2022 is the ability to do Process Model Markup in order to add and share process related information in SmartCAM process models.

Markup Notes

Markup Notes can be used to create targeted annotations about the current part. They can include a leader and arrow that points to the area being described or simply as a stand-alone note with no arrow. Markups can be added and edited both in the main SmartCAM applications as well as in the new SmartCAM viewer applications. Consequently, Markup Notes enable more integrated process communication across multiple functional areas in the manufacturing organization. (See the v2021 Releae Notes for information on the new viewers.)

For example:

  • The programmer can point out things like setup, inspection and tolerance information for particular part features to the machinist who can view them in their copy of the SmartCAM viewer.
  • With their copy of the viewer, the machinist can provide feedback and recomendations for machining features in the Process Model to the programmer.
  • Or, a tool room manager, with their own copy of the viewer, can communicate tooling recomendations for Process Model features.

Markup Notes
Markup Notes