SmartCAM v2021 Macro Language

SmartCAM v2021 Macro Language

The SmartCAM Macro System benefits from new functions.

Subroutine handling

Access to Element Subprogram information just got better in this release:

  • SUBNAME_FRM_EL( elmt ) - returns the sub program name to which the element belongs.
  • SUBTYPE_FRM_EL( elmt ) - returns the sub program type for the sub program referenced by the element.
  • SUBTYPE_FRM_IDX( subindex ) - returns the sub program type for a sub program index.
  • SUBREPTS( elmt ) - returns the number of repeats on a sub program call.

New Macro functions for Sub Program handling
New Macro functions for Sub Program handling

Stepover Calculation

STEPOVER_CUSP( cusp height, radius ) - returns the linear center-to-center distance required for a specified ball cutter radius to meet a target cusp height.