SmartCAM v2020 CAM Software Product Release Introduction

SmartCAM v2020 Introduction

Verify Deviation from Part
Verify Deviation from Part

Welcome to our SmartCAM® v2020 release highlight pages.

Here is our 26th major release of SmartCAM by SmartCAMcnc! In this new SmartCAM v2020 release, we deliver further incremental developments to the preferred CNC programming system of choice for our valued customers, many who have been using SmartCAM for 30+ years.

Our goal is to continuously deliver technology changes that add even more capability and productivity to SmartCAM, assisted with updates to the user interface / daily usability improvements. We always have and always will strive to maintain "The SmartCAM Difference" going forward.

Version 2020 is no different. We are pleased to summarize the theme enhancements that have been created for the v2020 release.

SmartCAM v2020 Introduction

Major highlights include:

Verification in all SmartCAM

Verify Workpiece Analysis
Verify Workpiece Analysis

New: Workpiece Analysis - A new Workpiece Analysis settings button has been added to the Verify dialog box allowing the cut model to be colored in a variety of ways.

Verify Deviation From Part
Verify Deviation From Part

Verify Local / World Coordinate Display - Tool position coordinates displayed during verification can now be configured as either Local or World planes

Create Facet Element From Solid - A new Create - From Solid - Solid Facets panel can be used to generate a single-element faceted model from a group of solid surfaces

Core Improvements in all SmartCAM products unless otherwise noted

Selection Filter Improvements - The Edit Filter dialog box contains several new helpful options.


Selection Filter Improvements - New Hole Feature and Region element type toggle buttons allow filtering.

Tool Filter - A new Tool toggle button and corresponding input field allow a single tool number, or list or range of tool numbers to be specified.

Feed Rate Attribute Filter - A new Feed Entity Type (milling only) and Override options allow you to filter your selection.

Arc Panel Diameter Input - The Geometry - Arc panel has been enhanced to include a new Diameter field in addition to the existing Radius field.

Arc Panel Diameter Input
Arc Panel Diameter Input

Order Path - Optimize - The Order Path - Optimize capability is now available in all SmartCAM applications.

Optimize Hole Features - The Order Path - Optimize function now allows compound hole features to be optimized, without breaking the compound hole sequence.

Property Change Toolpath Add Step - The Edit - Property Change - Toolpath dialog box has been enhanced to include a new Add Step button, which opens the Add Process Step dialog box.

Preview PM5 Files in Windows Explorer - When using a Windows Explorer, with the Preview pane enabled, you can click on a PM5 model file to get a preview of the part contained in the model file.

Icon Views in Windows Explorer - When setting the Explorer Layout style to use icons the PM5 model preview image will be displayed for PM5 model files.

List View Container Display Names - The list view has been enhanced to now show descriptive names for each type of system container created.

Element Pop-up Menus Reorganized - The list view has been enhanced to now show descriptive names for each type of system container created.

Copy and Paste JOS Data Tag from Planner - Job Operation Planner windows will now display the JOS Data Tag for the selected field.

Filter Out Masked Tools/Steps in JOS Report - New options are available to filter out masked steps/tools when using JOS Report.

JOS Report Filename Option - A new option enables JOS Reports to default the report output filename to the same filename as the open PM5 model.

List View Markers in Options - Job Operation Planner windows will now display the JOS Data Tag for the selected field.

JOS Notes Improvements - The Job, Material, Step, and Tool Notes have all been updated to use a new re-sizable notes dialog box.

Element Data Improvement - Element Data has been updated to allow the window to be resized with the mouse.

Utility - Diagnostics - The Diagnostics window has been made re-sizable.

ACIS Update - The ACIS modeling kernel has been updated to ACIS v2020.

Macro Language in all SmartCAM applications

New Math Functions - New Math Functions have been added.

Selection Filter Status Function - A new system status macro function that returns the On/Off state of the Selection Filter has been added.

New Surface Entity Bounding Box Calculation Mode - View - Envelope and a new math function use a bounding box surrounding geometry in their calculation.

Selection Filter Status Function - A new function has been added that returns the sub name for a given sub index.

Check if plane index is for a wrapped plane - A new function has been added that returns whether the supplied plane index is for a wrapped plane.

Code Generation in all SmartCAM applications. See the SmartCAM CGT word reference for examples.

#CALCDEC, #CALCINT, #RETNUM() - CGT function #WORD declarations to call matching @$SECTIONS and capture the value from #RETNUM( numeric expression )for output or use in an expression.

#CALCSTR, #RETSTR() - CGT function #WORD declaration to call matching @$SECTIONS and capture the value from #RETSTR( string expression ) for output or use in a string expression.

Multi name user variable lists - Multiple user variables can be declared in the same #DEC, #INT, and #STR statements.

#STEP_LIST(), #STEP_LIST_SLCT, #STEP_LIST_SORT - The #STEP_LIST() function automatically loops through a list of Steps which is selected by the #STEP_LIST_SLCT setting and sorted by the #STEP_LIST_SORT setting.

#FINVAL() - The #FINVAL( #cgtword) function outputs a place holder for a CGT word into the code output file that will filled in at the conclusion of coding with the CGT Words final value.

#F_Decimal - #F_Decimal is a new format class descriptor with replaces #F_Position as the preferred term. #F_Position will continue as an alias.

#MSE() - The #MSE() evaluator function enables the use of all current macro string functions from within the CGT #EVAL() function when a CGT string variable is being assigned.

Array Variables - Array Variables Improvements

@$INIT - For initialization of variables at the beginning of CGT processing, the system now automatically scans for and processes an @$INIT section if found.

Documentation in all SmartCAM applications

Helpful Macro Recipes - The Automation/Customization section of Learning SmartCAM, has been extended with a new topic named Helpful Macro Recipes.

Visual CTK in all SmartCAM applications

Diameter Token Added - Supplementing the already existing RADIUS token is a new DIAMETER token.

Properties Token Type Display - The Token Properties dialog box now displays a static label for input field tokens, indicating the token type.

CTK Token Bar Tool Tips - When creating Panels or Dialogs, by adding tokens to the window, tool tips are shown.