SmartCAM v2020 Code Generation

SmartCAM v2020 Code Generation

Improvements and enhancements to Code Generation include:


CGT function #WORD declarations to call matching @$SECTIONS and capture the value from #RETNUM (numeric expression) for output or use in an expression.


CGT function #WORD declaration to call matching @$SECTIONS and capture the value from #RETSTR( string expression ) for output or use in a string expression.

Multi name user variable lists

Multiple user variables can be declared in the same #DEC, #INT, and #STR statements instead of having to do one per line.


The #STEP_LIST() function automatically loops through a list of Steps which is selected by the #STEP_LIST_SLCT setting and sorted by the #STEP_LIST_SORT setting. It can be used to output tool list or operation list information with the NC code file or separately, or it can be used to search through the planner step data for specific information.


The #FINVAL( #cgtword) function outputs a place holder for a CGT word into the code output file that will filled in at the conclusion of coding with the CGT Words final value. This can be used for things like outputting the final cycle time at the beginning of the code file.


#F_Decimal is a new format class descriptor with replaces #F_Position as the preferred term. #F_Position will continue as an alias.


The #MSE() evaluator function enables the use of all current macro string functions from within the CGT #EVAL() function when a CGT string variable is being assigned.

Array Variables

Array Variables Improvements:

  • The existing #S, #V and #U var sets can now be accessed via array reference - #S[index], #U[index], #V[index].
  • User array variables can be declared with the #INT, #DEC, and #STR commands


For initialization of variables at the beginning of CGT processing, the system now automatically scans for and processes an @$INIT section if found.