SmartCAM V17 ToolPath modeling overview
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SmartCAM V17 ToolPath Modeling Overview

New geometry creation and editing features further expand SmartCAM's extensive toolpath modeling capabilities.


Profile Extend - V17.5

A new geometry editing tool, Profile Extend, has been added to the Geo Edit toolbox. Profile Extend can extend a group of profiles to intersect a specified target profile, using an either 2D or 3D intersection method, and works with lines, arcs, polylines, and ellipses, as well as any containers that contain supported geometry.

Alternatively, Profile Extend can be used to extend the start and/or end of a group of profiles by a specified distance. By specifying negative distances, the selected profiles can be shortened by the specified amount.

A group of offset toolpath passes first extended to stock boundary profile, then extended further by distance
A group of offset toolpath passes first extended to stock boundary profile, then extended further by distance.


Corner Roll Control - V17.5

Offset profile corner-rolling behavior has been improved to provide greater user control.

  • Wall Offset - The Wall Offset command now uses the Corner Roll Angle to determine the roll behavior of all intersection types (line/line, line/arc, arc/arc, etc), and corners formed by segments shorter than the offset distance are now optional rolled, or not, to meet the user's requirement.
  • Show Path and Code Offsetting - The roll behavior for offset property toolpath is now fully configurable. New Corner Roll Treatment and Sharp Angle Threshold options in the CNC machine definition file (.SMF questions #131 and #132) provide the same corner roll configurability as with the Geometry Wall Offset panel.
  • Profile Processes - The wireframe Profile processes have been updated to include an option for rolling corners formed by segments shorter than the offset distance. The addition of this option to the existing Corner Roll Angle parameter provides the same configurability that is now possible in the Wall Offset panel and Showpath and Code offsetting, as defined by the machine SMF file.
  • Examples of corner roll cases that were previously always rolled, but can now be sharp if desired.
    Examples of corner roll cases that were previously always rolled, but can now be sharp if desired.


    Hole Pattern Element - SmartCAM Milling Applications and Advanced Turning - V17.5

    A new Hole Pattern modeling tool has been added to the Geometry toolbox. Hole Pattern can be used to create circular patterns, such as bolt hole circles or equally spaced arcs of holes. A secondary axis rotation can also be specified, allowing hole patterns that are not parallel to the pattern axis to be created, for example radial holes around a cylinder axis.

    The hole pattern is created as a single system container element, which can be modified. Pattern parameters such as center, radius, start angle, increment angle and number of holes can be easily changed. For machine controls that support a canned cycle circular hole pattern, it is possible to configure the code generator template file to output the pattern cycle along with the required parameters specified in the hole pattern element.

    This SmartCAM part contains four circular Hole Pattern elements representing a total of 16 holes
    This SmartCAM part contains four circular Hole Pattern elements representing a total of 16 holes.


    Solid Hole Improvements - V17.5

    The From Solid Hole function has been improved to provide better discrimination between hole and partial-hole features. Holes comprised of split cylinders are now always automatically detected, and other partial-hole features, for example the ends of slots or corner fillets, are now optionally included.

    Holes comprised of split cylinders detected by SmartCAM without including partial-hole features.
    Holes comprised of split cylinders detected by SmartCAM without including partial-hole features.
    Partial-holes features optionally included in SmartCAM search.
    Partial-holes features optionally included in SmartCAM search.


    Optimize Layer Geometry - V17.5

    Order Path - Optimize allows you to now optimize layer geometry as well as step toolpath. The Sort by Step/Layer option, when enabled, allows layer elements to be optimized according to the layer occurrence order in the active group. When Sort by Step/Layer is off, layers are sorted based on the next closest element after each layer optimization.

    This enhancement allows geometry elements representing part features to be machined, to be optimized and ordered as desired, prior to applying toolpath to them.

    SmartCAM's From Solid - Hole elements created on Layer are optimized, then passed to Holemaking process to create Step toolpath
    SmartCAM's From Solid - Hole elements created on Layer are optimized, then passed to Holemaking process to create Step toolpath.


    Create Micro Joints by Group - SmartCAM Advanced Fabrication V17.5

    The User Element - Micro Joints command has been enhanced to allow micro joints to be created for a group of elements using a single execution of the panel. Micro joints are added to the start and/or end of the selected elements. This feature saves time by allowing attachment tabs to be created for multiple cut profiles all at once.

    Micro Joints applied to start of selected SmartCAM elements on multiple part profiles cut from a sheet
    Micro Joints applied to start of selected SmartCAM elements on multiple part profiles cut from a sheet.


    Modify Selected Polyline/Spline Control Point - V17.5

    When modifying a spline or polyline, the Control Point input field can now be used to directly select the desired control point from the graphics window. This feature eliminates the tedious and time consuming process of stepping through each control point one at a time until the desired point is reached, as was previously required.

    When modifying a polyline in SmartCAM, control points can now be selected in graphics window
    When modifying a polyline in SmartCAM, control points can now be selected in graphics window.