SmartCAM V15 Toolpath Verification Improvements
Special Offer
SmartCAM V15: ShowPath, ShowCut, and Code Options

New to SmartCAM V15.5 are several customer-requested enhancements that provide better and easier toolpath model verification.


Restrict to Active Step or Group

New ShowPath, ShowCut, and Code options allow the visual verification and coding to be restricted to the active step or group. This feature is extremely useful when you are developing tool path for a specific operation and wish to verify only that portion.

Show Path restricted to the active, pencil milling step.
ShowPath restricted to the active, pencil milling step.


Large & Small ShowPath Panels

The large standard ShowPath control panel now includes an option to reduce the size of the panel to reduce the impact when viewing the model view. The Small panel provides the primary controls, and allows you to switch back to the large panel with the full set of options.

Large and small showpath control panels.
Large and small ShowPath control panels.