SmartCAM V15 Learning SmartCAM Tutorial
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SmartCAM V15: Learning SmartCAM

The Learning SmartCAM module is a major new documentation component for SmartCAM V15. Hosted on the SmartCAMcnc website, it is available from within your SmartCAM applications under the Help - Online Manuals - Learning SmartCAM menu, when an internet connection is available.


Learning SmartCAM Tutorial
Learning SmartCAM Tutorial.

You may open the Learning SmartCAM home page in your web browser at


SmartCAM Basics

The Learning SmartCAM module includes sections covering the basics of using SmartCAM, including the conceptual information needed to understand how SmartCAM works and an extensive fundamentals section covering the core components and powerful tools within SmartCAM.


Learning Exercises

Many exercises are included to help the reader learn specific SmartCAM capabilities. These exercises are generally written to show a specific feature or function.

Learning Exercises
Learning Exercises.


From Part Model to NC Code

The "Building a Process Model" section includes advanced exercises that start with importing raw model data, applying machining processes to it, and finish with generating NC code to cut the part.

From Part Model to NC Code
From Part Model to NC Code.


Macros, Code Generators

"Automating SmartCAM" is where you will find detailed information on using the powerful yet simple SmartCAM macro language that will allow you to customize SmartCAM's capabilities to meet your specific requirements.

The "Code Generation" section provides detailed information on the code generation process and how to modify your Code Generator for your needs.



This section presents information in the form of questions: "How-To" do a specific task, such as "How to Filter Element Selections", or "How to Verify Your Toolpath."


An Evolving Document

We are presenting "Learning SmartCAM" in web format which will assist in keeping the content fresh and current. The content will be regularly expanded and updated to reflect additions and changes in the SmartCAM applications, to show how new features are used, and to address customer requests for more tutorial assistance.