From The Beginning Overview

In this section, some of the more advanced uses for the SmartCAM Macro system will be explored. This will include developing a complex macro from scratch; defining what it does, what parameters it will need, writing the code, and testing.

The next section of this documentation, Creating a User Interface, will take the macro created in this chapter and give it a user-interface. It will also be integrated into your SmartCAM application.

The Macro

Before beginning to write any MCL code, it is wise to understand what exactly the macro will be doing, as well as what input and output is needed.

The following describes the macro that will be developed in this tutorial.

The macro will step element by element through the current Process Model database. It will total up the cutting distances for each Step used in the model. After processing the entire process model, it will generate a text report, saved to the hard drive, which lists the total length of the toolpath for each Step as well as the combined total cutting length.

The Process

The following general process steps will be used to develop this macro.

Please note that this macro development tutorial will be far more complex than the previous examples. However, everything used in the development of this macro was described in simpler terms in other sections of the documentation. This tutorial shows how the combined application of a number of simple techniques can be used to create a fairly complex results.

Related Topics

Designing the Macro

SmartCAM Automation Overview