Getting started with SmartCAM

SmartCAM Production Milling Trial: Task 1 - Job Setup


Task 1

Job Setup


Target Machine/Code Generator


The target machine for which you want to create CNC code can easily be changed in a SmartCAM program. You are able to code for different machines and controllers that have identical configurations.

You can easily, for example, code the same job for a 3 axis mill control that uses a G-code structure and for a different controller that requires a conversational offline programming style.

Let's make sure an appropriate machine is selected for this exercise:

Left‐Click on the Job Information icon near to the top‐left of the SmartCAM window.

A Job Information panel is displayed.

The panel fields could be populated with information about the job, special instructions etc.

That information can be accessed when generating code and can be included in things such as message blocks in the CNC code and content of setup documents.

Left‐Click on the Machine tab.

Note the SMG/SCT Pair has been preselected to use "3 Axis Milling Example".

To change the SMF/CGT, simply click the File Select... button.

Tool Change /Home Position

Next you will select the Work Setup tab and enable the Specify Home Position option



Next we are going set the point for the home position tool change.

Left‐click within the X: input field and type in 0.

Left‐click within the Y: input field and type in 0.

Left‐click within the Z: input field and type in 50.

Left‐click the Tool Change drop down and select "Home Position".

This sets the tool change position equal to the home position for all tools.

Left‐click within the Accept button.

You now have set the Tool Change/Home Position for all tools.

When the home position is in use, Verify shows the first tool starting at home, tools returning to home for tool changes and then the last tool returning to home.

Because you may want to refer to it at any time, we describe how to run Verification on a page of its own. You can open that by clicking here or selecting "Verifying your ToolPath from the menu on the right ---->>>

You have completed Task 1. Next up: Pocket Roughing.

Click this link to open Rough the Pocket.